Rheni Tauchid Rheni Tauchid

Acrylic Painter’s Toolbox

The Acrylic Painter’s Toolbox

Produced by Craftsy

A seven session class on the basics of working with acrylic paints. Total runtime 3h 25m

Bring your expressive potential to life with amazing acrylic art.

Experiment with a variety of acrylic mediums and pigments as you work from a different motif in each lesson. Learn essential glazing, drybrush, and impasto techniques for paintings that convey depth and possess roundness of color. Achieve rich textures with mediums and grounds, including nepheline gel and iridescent copper for shimmering light effects. Use mixed-media techniques that are ideal for building vibrant surfaces and rendering floral techniques, including stenciling, scumbling, and color washing. You’ll even explore layering techniques using medium, to achieve translucent paint layers that recall classical oil paintings! After this class, you’ll have the skills you need to confidently create inspiring acrylic art that is cutting edge and utterly beautiful.

Class Preview

Click on the affiliate links below to purchase access to the class and DVD.

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Rheni Tauchid Rheni Tauchid

The Texture Toolbox

The Texture Toolbox: Acrylic Medium Magic

Produced by Craftsy

Produced by Craftsy

A seven session comprehensive guide to working with modern acrylic mediums and additives.

Go beyond the paint to breathe new life into your acrylics!

Curious or confused about the world of Acrylic Painting Mediums? This is the class that will clarify, inform and inspire you to use them in your own painting. Mediums are the real manipulators of acrylic paint -- but which ones do you use when? And how do you combine them with your colors, or with each other? Rhéni Tauchid starts class by helping you identify the different families of acrylic mediums and the functions of each.

Class Preview

Click on the affiliate links below to purchase the class and DVD.

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